Page 11 - MCUL: Contact Magazine - Q4 2019
P. 11
At the end of Grand Blanc-based Security Credit Union’s Social Media
first year in operation in 1949, its 267 members were Like it or not, the use of social media isn’t decreasing.
responsible for $3,915 in shares, $3,812 in loans and In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, seven in
$23.18 in cash on deposit. Now its assets are more than 10 Americans now use social media; this is an increase
$400 million. I’m sure that the origin stories of many of from 2005 when only one in 20 used social media to
your credit unions are very similar. It is this way across stay connected. Connect with members who are excited
our state, our nation and the credit union movement. But about grassroots causes by making use of appropriate
how does this information help us? How can we leverage hashtags in your social media posts, especially if they’re
this information to grow the credit union movement? related to local news and events.
Below are three ways that your credit union can build
grassroots excitement for your brand. Education
With an increased focus on cooperatives, and a rich 111-
Local Sponsorships year history of the movement to draw from, your credit
When St. Mary’s Bank began conducting its first trans- union should consider tapping into the basic nature of
actions, it couldn’t have been too much further into the what a credit union is and how your organization has
year when it was approached with its first community evolved over time to create a grassroots-style enthusiasm
partnership opportunity. While sponsorship of local with your members. You should also consider supporting
events, high school sports teams, parades and Gus the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union® advertising cam-
Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournaments might be one paign. Through these nationwide advertisements, credit
of the most widely used forms of credit union sponsor- union leagues across the country are working to build
ship, its effectiveness has withstood the sands of time. grassroots foundations with current and future members.
Members of every generation (from Generation Z and
millennials, to baby boomers and the so-called greatest Credit unions have been building grassroots excitement
generation) love to run into your credit union employees and support for our missions since 1908. As this gen-
when you support an event that they support. When eration of credit union leaders, it’s important that we
your members know that you are enthusiastic about carry on this tradition and educate future members of
something that they’re enthusiastic about, they’re going all the benefits they can receive from a credit union.
to be enthusiastic about you. Credit unions always have been, still are and always will
be the most financially healthy option for consumers.
Christopher Estes is the president/CEO of
Security Credit Union. ■
Credit union membership at Dec. 31 was up 18% since the end of 2012 and 25% since 2008.
No. of credit
union members
Source: NCUA
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