Page 15 - MCUL: Contact Magazine - Q4 2019
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Great Lakes Bay Region. No specific programs were listed “But in the bigger scheme of things,” Heron said, “we under-
but, like Lake Trust, it urged anybody affected by the UAW stood that the impact wasn’t going to just be limited to GM
strike to contact the credit union immediately for available workers, it was going to impact suppliers and people who
relief options. may be working in temp agencies or other connected roles.”
So, while the strikers are the primary audience for these
Portland-based PFCU also solicited contact from its affected relief efforts, it’s not the only audience.
members, while offering an assistance loan program (up to
$5,000 at 4.99% APR for 12 months), payment deferment on The credit union has also experienced growth as a direct
existing loans and certificate of deposit withdrawal penalty effect of its offered assistance. “We extended this offer
waivers. It saw immediate responses. to both members and nonmembers, and we’ve gotten
responses from both,” said Heron. “Some nonmembers
“We’ve actually funded over 80 loans, and the funding total came looking for assistance and we were able to provide
is over $250,000,” said PFCU Senior Vice President of that for them.”
Marketing Robyn Heron. “On average, we’re getting six calls
per day related to deferment requests regarding payments Aside from loans and payment deferments, PFCU, like many
on loans or credit cards.” credit unions, offered one-on-one financial coaching as part
of its relief efforts — something it offers year-round.
Many of the members who PFCU inherited from SageLink
Credit Union following last year’s merger are GM workers, so “We know that money is very closely tied to our emotions
providing this assistance was particularly necessary for PFCU. and how we feel, and that adults don’t like to be told what
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