Page 18 - MCUL: Contact Magazine - Q4 2019
P. 18



              By Kieran Marion

              This October marked another successful trip to Washington, D.C., for the annual Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL)
              Hike the Hill. The League’s team was joined this year by approximately 50 credit union leaders, ready to build relationships
              with federal policy makers and tell our story. With each legislator and staff member, we discussed the issues that are
              currently top of mind for the Michigan credit union community and will remain so in 2020. Take a moment to read through
              each meeting recap to see where our lawmakers stand on our priorities.

                                              U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Holly)
                                              MCUL and credit union attendees kicked off Capitol Hill meetings with a visit to the
                                              office of U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin. Meeting with her aide, Elliot DeGroot, the group
                                              discussed the credit union difference, activities in support of United Auto Workers
                                              (UAW) union members during their strike against General Motors at that time, and
                                              the credit union not-for-profit tax status. Slotkin continues to be a supporter of a
                                              federal solution on data security and breach notification, recognizing it as both a
                                              consumer issue as well as a homeland security problem. The group thanked them
                                              for co-sponsorship and front support of the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE)
                                              Banking Act of 2019 (H.R. 1595) to provide a safe harbor for financial institutions
                                              offering financial services to cannabis-related businesses in states that have legal-
                                              ized the activity. The group also discussed BSA/AML reform, reflecting on the effort
                                              as the first attempt to modernize the act in decades. As a freshman member of the
                                              delegation, Slotkin continues to be an early and strong supporter of credit unions
                                              and our issues.

                                              NCUA Board Chairman Rodney Hood
                                              While on the Hill, the League met with the National Credit Union Administration
                                              (NCUA), including its board chairman, Rodney Hood. A number of key issues, such
                                              as NCUA’s efforts with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) regarding
                                              Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) and its impact on credit unions, were dis-
                                              cussed. Also brought up were Hood’s initiatives in support for credit unions in rural
                                              areas, as well as small credit unions and potential rulemaking for credit union bank
                                              acquisitions, which will provide greater transparency and clearly define the process.
                                              The chairman was very enthusiastic and appreciated the robust discussion. He will
                                              be visiting each state and is looking forward to meeting with credit unions.

                                              U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Detroit)
                                              MCUL met with Chastity Murphy, banking legislative assistant for U.S. Rep. Rashida
                                              Tlaib. Advocates asked that Murphy pass along our thanks to the congresswoman for
                                              her recent vote in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019. The group discussed the
                                              credit union difference and not-for-profit tax status, and Murphy reaffirmed Tlaib’s
                                              support for credit unions. The group also engaged Murphy on legislation involving
                                              robocalls, CECL, federal credit union act modernization, BSA/AML reform and data
                                              security/privacy. Despite several scheduling conflicts, the congresswoman was able
                                              to join the group for the latter part of their meeting.

               18   FOURTH QUARTER 2019  I  CONTACT

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