Page 23 - MCUL: Contact Magazine - Q4 2019
P. 23

We help you turn the   NCUA Board Chairman Rodney Hood with MCUL and

                     credit union representatives during 2019 Hike the Hill.
 American dream into

 a Michigan reality.  A YEAR IN REGULATORY REVIEW

                     By Sarah Stevenson
 With MSHDA mortgage loans, you can offer potential
 homebuyers in Michigan many ways to help make their   It seems strange to think we’re wrapping up another year.  come. Let’s start with the Financial Accounting Standards
 dream come true. From conventional loans with   By the time this magazine reaches your desk, I imagine   Board (FASB). We don’t often hear much from FASB since
 discounted mortgage insurance to FHAs, VAs and   the snow will already be fl ying. The Farmers’ Almanac is   it’s a private, nonprofi t organization and not a federal reg-
 $7,500  Rural Development Guaranteed loans, and our statewide   predicting another volatile, cold and rather moody winter,  ulatory agency, so when we do hear something it’s likely
                    which sounds a lot like the rulemaking agendas of regu-
                                                                       to have a signifi cant impact.
 Michigan Down Payment loan of up to $7,500. Find out
 Michigan Down Payment
 Michigan Down Payment  about our loans, which homes are eligible, and how   latory agencies.
 buyers can qualify at                            For those who aren’t entirely familiar with what I’m talking
                    2019 proved to be another interesting year with several   about, FASB is a standard-setting body whose primary
                    proposed and fi nal rules, and a promise of more changes to   purpose is to establish and improve accounting standards

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