Michigan Credit Unions Show Early Support for CU House Modernization Effort
The Credit Union House, a critical DC hub for credit union advocacy, is officially kicking off its modernization fundraising efforts at the 2025 Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC). Ahead of the launch, three Michigan-based credit unions — Lake Michigan Credit Union, Community Financial Credit Union and Christian Financial Credit Union — have stepped up with early contributions, demonstrating their commitment to advancing the CU House’s mission and long-term impact.
"At Community Financial Credit Union, we believe in the power of storytelling and advocacy to drive meaningful change for the 140 million Americans who trust credit unions as their financial partners,” said CEO Tansley Stearns. “Our investment in the Credit Union House Modernization project reflects our deep commitment to ensuring credit unions have a magnetic and dynamic presence on Capitol Hill. This revitalized space will provide an immersive and engaging environment for high-impact conversations with legislators, amplifying the voices of our members and communities. I am honored to support this effort to advance our advocacy and showcase credit unions’ essential role in elevating the financial well-being of everyday Americans."
Lake Michigan CEO Julie Leonard echoed that sentiment, “Having a place for leaders to unite in advocacy for credit union members across the nation in our Nation's Capital is crucial to our shared purpose of making a difference in the lives of our members. We believe this investment in our credit union movement honors and celebrates the history of credit union collaboration, is aligned with our cooperative principles, and will support credit union advocacy for years to come.”
The modernization project will enhance the Credit Union House into a forward-thinking advocacy hub, featuring state-of-the-art technology, essential infrastructure upgrades and increased accessibility.
“Since 2000, the Credit Union House has been a place for credit union industry advocates to meet with our elected representatives to discuss the important issues affecting credit unions and the consumers we serve,” said Christian Financial CEO Patty Campball. “It is our home on Capitol Hill, a place to strategize the industry’s legislative priorities and to rest from a long day of legislative visits. In its 25th year of operation, Christian Financial is honored to support the renovations to this important landmark in our nation’s capital.”
To help realize this major modernization project, credit unions across the country are being called upon to reinvest in this vital presence on Capitol Hill.
“As a fundraising co-chair for the CU House modernization effort, I am thrilled that we have Michigan credit unions stepping up to show their support and commitment to this project,” said Patty Corkery, President/CEO of Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates. “My thanks to Julie, Patty and Tansley for their early support. I hope they are paving the way for our movement to come together on this initiative.”
The modernization project is a collaborative effort led by America’s Credit Unions, the American Association of Credit Union Leagues and state leagues.
With a goal of raising $6 million from credit unions and system partners, CU House is inviting the entire industry to support the effort. Those interested in learning more or making a donation can visit the newly launched fundraising microsite at https://support.cuhouse.com.
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