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Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates

At the Michigan Credit Union League, we advocate for the credit union movement by building relationships, defending issues and engaging in strategic election participation. We provide high-quality, forward-thinking educational opportunities through a mix of in-person and digital offerings. Our communication efforts include diverse, creative approaches to engage and support industry professionals. Additionally, we drive consumer awareness with our Try a Credit Union consumer awareness campaign and enhance credit union compliance sustainability through direct support and regulatory advocacy.

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MCUL Vision

The Michigan Credit Union League will strengthen the credit union community and its image by providing advocacy on important issues, coordinating cooperative initiatives and by providing high-quality solutions that help credit unions succeed and enrich the lives of their members.

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MCUL Mission

To support and protect the cooperative credit union movement in Michigan.


MCUL's History

Organized in 1934, the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) has a proud tradition of innovation and leadership among the nation’s credit union trade associations. Thanks in no small part to the efforts of the MCUL, the history of the Michigan credit union movement is one of growth, success and progress.

Through membership in the MCUL, Michigan credit unions receive important services such as legislative, regulatory and media advocacy; a stream of timely and vital news and information; access to key education and training programs; direct assistance with critical operational and planning issues; and a host of other products, services and programs designed exclusively to meet the unique individual and collective needs of credit unions.

The MCUL has focused exclusively on serving its members throughout its 90-year history, a commitment that is concisely expressed in its Mission Statement: "The Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates will help credit unions serve their members, grow their market presence and strengthen their financial condition. We will do this by protecting and expanding the charter(s), telling the credit union story and by providing solutions that help credit unions excel.

MCUL created innovative programs such as Invest in America (now Love My Credit Union Rewards) which provides exclusive discounts to credit union members from companies like: Intuit’s TurboTax, Credit Union Auto Club and more. MCUL also created the prize linked savings program, “Save to Win.” Thanks to the program, credit union members have saved more than $32 million since its inception in 2009.

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