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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

Make a Donation

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Community Enrichment Support

Increasing Your Impact

The MCUF is proud to assist credit unions and chapter initiatives to improve financial well-being for people, families, businesses and communities in Michigan. Support is available to boost your small-or large-scale initiatives in these areas:

Have an idea? Not sure? Let’s chat!

All it takes to get started is a personal phone conversation to explore funding for your initiative. Contact us to explore your impact ideas and funding possibilities. Contact Andrea Tucker, MCUF Executive Director, to explore the fit between your proposed support funding initiative and current MCUF funding goals.

Ready to Apply? Fill out the application below.

* Required Fields

Applications will be evaluated based on the information provided within the following sections. Funding will be awarded based on the fit of the proposed activities with current MCUF support impact goals and on the availability of support funding.


Date of Application:
 /   / 

Section 1: Statement of Need

Please describe in 250 words or less the specific problems that will be solved and/or needs that will be met through your project that fit within the mission of the Michigan Credit Union Foundation of improving financial well-being of people, families and communities in Michigan.

Section 2: Description of Proposed Activities

Please describe in 300 words or less your plans for implementation, timeframes for activities, and the personnel responsible for managing and implementing your project.

Section 3: Measures of Success

Please list your project's goals and qualitative and/or quantitative achievements to measure each goal's success.

Provide a brief (100 words or less) narrative with more details on how achieving these goals will help meet the needs of the community, and/or target population.

Section 4: Leveraged Funds/Partner Organizations

Please provide a list of the organizations that are making a financial contribution or with which you are partnering to support the project. This can include your own organization as well as partners. List the dollar amount of funds each organization will be contributing.

In narrative below the table, please briefly (in 100 words or less) describe how the funds will be used.

Leverage Funds/Partner Organizations

Section 5: Sustainability

Will the project be sustainable after the one year grand period?

Section 6: Project Budget

Project Budget. Please upload a project budget. Please place an asterisk next to all line items to be covered by the Michigan Credit Union Foundation support. Place a different mark next to line items to be covered by other sources as you have outlined in Section 4. Include assumptions and a brief narrative as appropriate.

Section 7: Supporting documents

Supporting documents
Please upload up to three supporting documents if desired.

Section 8: Agreement with Support Funding Terms - Please provide an indication of agreement with the following Support Funding terms:


Reporting and Sharing Support Activity Information:
* Support activities may be highlighted on the websites and in communications of the Michigan Credit Union Foundation (MCUF) and the Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates (MCUL).

* Recipient will provide MCUF with copies of all project marketing materials, articles, announcements, etc., that relate to the support fund and, unless otherwise notified, MCUF shall hereby be granted a license to use such materials for communications.

* Recipient will work with project participants including individuals and any partner organizations to obtain personal success stories, and permission to utilize these stories for MCUF and MCUL communications.

* Recipient will provide periodic progress reports as requested detailing activity progress and how the support funds impact the participants.

Use of Support Funds:
* Support funds must be utilized only for the purposes and activities specified in this application within one year from the date the support funds are approved unless written approval of the MCUF is obtained.

* Support funds may not be used to pay any person to influence or attempt to influence any legislative activities.

* Support funds may not be used to benefit any individual or related entity of recipient.

* Support funds may not be used to pay for general operating and/or administrative expenses related to the recipient.

MCUF Recognition and Participation:
In all press releases, new stories, articles, web site references, or other promotions about the MCUF funded project activity, the Michigan Credit Union Foundation will be mentioned as having provided support funding. Copies of such materials will be shared with MCUF. MCUF requests to be alerted in advance of any press conferences, grand openings, public celebrations or other promotional activities related to the support funding project activity and copies of photos, videos and subsequent news stories will be shared with the MCUF.

If this application is approved my credit union agrees to comply with these support funding terms.:



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