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#BreaktheBias: Women Leaders in the CU Movement Virtual Call

On March 17, the African American Credit Union Coalition is hosting "Women Leaders in the Credit Union Movement - #BreaktheBias," a virtual call  that is part of the organization's monthly Commitment to Change conversations.

These events give credit union and league leaders from across the country a chance to collaborate and discuss important issues together. March's "Women Leaders in the Credit Union Movement - #BreaktheBias" call is moderated by Jill Nowacki, founder of Humanidei, and features MCUL CEO Patty Corkery alongside the following: Caroline Willard, President/CEO Cornerstone League; Diana Dykstra, President/CEO, California & Nevada Credit Union Leagues; Karen Madry, Chairwoman Indiana Credit Union League & President/CEO Afena Federal Credit Union; and Tracie Kenyon, President/CEO Montana Credit Union Network.


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Their discussion will center around commitment to DEI initiatives, obstacles to equitable advancement, innovative leadership techniques and much more.

The hour-long call begins at 1:00 pm EST.

Register for "Women Leaders in the Credit Union Movement - #BreaktheBias" here.

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