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MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes: Amber Vsetula

MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes is an article series running through the end of the year that's designed to give the Michigan credit union community more insight into the people who make up our dedicated team.

amberWhat was your first job?

My first job was at Meijer gas station in Dewitt, where I restocked shelves and ran the register. Out of the ten employees, three of us were named Amber! Weekly customers started giving us nicknames, and I became "Amber Crash" after I fell asleep at the wheel leaving work one night — thankfully, I was okay, and it turned into a memorable story.

What is your favorite project to work on at MCUL?

I enjoy almost every project I touch at MCUL, from designing plush toy flyers for advocacy to creating event signage. My favorites, though, are the publications, like the CU Impact Report and the Annual Membership Report. I love designing page layouts and seeing the finished product come together.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was little, I wanted to be an art teacher. By my teenage years, I dreamed of becoming a graphic designer, specifically working on magazine page layouts.

What does a perfect day off look like for you?

My perfect day off would be outdoors, hiking trails and geocaching. I'd love to return to Mackinac Island with my family to tackle some of the 200 geocaches scattered around the island.

Do you have any big plans for 2025?

In late 2025, I’m going on my first cruise with my sisters. It’s going to be an incredible adventure, and I can’t wait to make lasting memories together. My younger sister lives in Denver, so we rarely get the chance to spend time as a trio. Since having kids, we haven’t had the opportunity for an adventure like this, which makes it all the more special.

View the Team Behind the Scenes archive.

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