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MCUL Newsroom

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MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes: Jennifer Kreft

MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes is an article series running through the end of the year that's designed to give the Michigan credit union community more insight into the people who make up our dedicated team.

tbtsjkWhat was your first job?

I was a waitress at Sign of the Beefcarver.

What is your favorite project to work on at MCUL?

Helping the Communications Team with Awards has become a favorite!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An artist, even though I have absolutely zero talent in that area. And I mean zero.

What does a perfect day off look like for you?

If it could be absolutely anything — being at Disney World! Realistically...I love a very slow-paced day. Waking up before everyone else with the coffee already brewed and enjoying that first cup in peace and quiet, reading a book and hanging out with my husband and daughter.

Do you have any big plans for 2025?

Going back home…to Disney World!!

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?

I don't know if it's necessarily career advice, but... I have a bad habit of letting my own thoughts get ahead of me. Years ago, a supervisor would remind me, "Don't worry until there's something to worry about." That phrase has stuck with me ever since.

What’s your favorite thing about the holiday season?

I love everything about the holidays! I love the Hallmark movies, decorations, spending time with family, baking cookies, shopping and wrapping…you name it!

What do you love about the credit union movement?

It is truly very cool, and very unique, to see "competitors" helping each other's organizations to be successful, and also coming together for a common cause: “people helping people.”

View the Team Behind the Scenes archive.

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