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MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes: Mary Turczyn

MCUL's Team Behind the Scenes is an article series running through the end of the year that's designed to give the Michigan credit union community more insight into the people who make up our dedicated team.

mttbtsWhat was your first job?

I worked as a cashier in Chandler’s Shoe Store at Oakland Mall.

What is your favorite project to work on at MCUL?

I enjoy working on the HERO and Call Center conferences, along with helping the league representatives increase their sales by promoting products. I also like working on the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals charity golf outing.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a professional softball and volleyball player.

Who has been a major influence in your career and why?

My former CEO, Dan Moss, from Oakland/Michigan/Alliance Catholic Credit Union, and my father.

Is there a book or podcast that has inspired you recently?

I recently listened to a podcast on metastatic breast cancer survivors.

What does a perfect day off look like for you?

Playing with my grandchildren and/or golf with my children and husband.

Do you have any big plans for 2025?

Hopefully, I will travel to Ireland.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?

Escape the drama and negative people in your workplace. No matter what, you can be part of the solution in any position you hold — even if it’s challenging to stay focused.

What’s your favorite thing about the holiday season?

I love socializing with family and friends.

What do you love about the credit union movement?

For 25 years, I worked in a credit union where I was responsible for HR, business development and training. I really enjoyed networking with other credit unions to keep current on hot topics and sharing best practices, along with MCUL events.

View the Team Behind the Scenes archive.

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