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  • April 25, 2025
    Spring Leadership Development Conference

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MCUL’s 2024 Marketing, Lending, YOU & Compliance Event a Success!

ml1More than 200 people headed to Grand Rapids this week for the Michigan Credit Union League’s 2024 Marketing, Compliance, YOU & Lending Conference, a two-day event designed to help credit unions deliver on the credit union difference.

The event featured 19 speakers from around the national credit union movement to share expertise on marketing, lending and compliance strategies. Among the specific topics covered was the latest on AI and ChatGPT, fair lending, interchange, fraud and reaching the Gen Z audience.

ml2Mark Arnold, president of On the Mark Strategies, spoke at the event on the current takeover and disruption of ChatGPT and AI and how credit unions can leverage these tools to positively impact brand authenticity.

“Mark Arnold is a very good speaker who is constantly up-to-date on his information and makes sure to bring useful tools,” said one attendee. “His discussion on AI was very enlightening and I cannot wait to use this information when I return to the office.”

Amy Wargo, director of risk management for CU Risk Intelligence, presented “Covering Your Asterisk: Marketing and Social Media Compliance Challenges Presented,” which focused on removing barriers during the launch of a new product, service or campaign.

ml3“Amy Wargo was full of incredibly insightful information regarding how marketing and compliance can better work together,” said one attendee.

The event also included networking, including the Duck Pin Bowling Reception, as well as a chance for attendees to meet and speak with more than a dozen vendors.

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