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    Spring Leadership Development Conference

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Advocacy Events

Our special events team works tirelessly to provide your credit union staff opportunities to interact with lawmakers and regulators, both in events throughout Michigan and in Washington, D.C. These events give our industry leaders access to decision makers, helping the league make its case for the continued prosperity of credit unions and your members.

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MCUL Celebrating 90 Years at Annual Convention & Exposition; Dave Adams’ Retirement Gathering to be Held

Registration has opened for the MCUL & Affiliates 2024 Annual Convention & Exposition being held June 5-7 at the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa in Traverse City. The event will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the League’s founding in 1934. Hotel rooms may be booked at the host hotel with a minimum three-night stay and by using a confirmation number provided after first registering for the event.

Register for AC&E

Special recognition will take place the evening of Wednesday, June 5 to celebrate the service of Dave Adams, president/CEO of CUSG and previous president/CEO of MCUL prior to his retirement in July. Those interested in registering to attend just the retirement celebration may contact educate@mcul.org. Accommodations may be made at area hotels including Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel which offers a shuttle service to the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa.

Email educate@mcul.org

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