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  • March 26, 2025
    Marketing, Compliance, YOU and Lending Conference
  • April 25, 2025
    Spring Leadership Development Conference

  • Sponsor an Event
  • Speaker Proposals


Note: This area is restricted to credit union employees who are in professional, supervisory, managerial and administrative non-clerical positions or members of MCUL-affiliated credit unions. Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from outside the restricted class. Contributions will be closely screened and those from persons outside the restricted class will be returned to the donor. If you are not included in any of these categories do not proceed any further.

To comply with state law the Michigan Credit Union League Action Fund (MCULAF) is the Michigan credit union movement's political action committee organized for the purpose of making campaign contributions to candidates for elective office in the Michigan Legislature and other statewide elective offices. To comply with federal law the Michigan Credit Union League Legislative Action Fund (MCULLAF) is a federally registered political action committee that makes campaign contributions to candidates for federal elective office.

Contributions to MCULAF and MCULLAF support candidates for elected office who recognize the importance and value of credit unions. All or a portion of your contribution will be contributed to MCULAF or MCULLAF.

Contributions to MCULAF and MCULLAF support candidates for elected office who recognize the importance and value of credit unions. All or a portion of your contribution will be contributed to MCULAF or MCULLAF. Contributions to MCULAF and MCULLAF are not considered charitable contributions or business expenses for income tax purposes and are not tax deductible.

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