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  • April 25, 2025
    Spring Leadership Development Conference

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Education & Networking

MCUL is dedicated to keeping the Michigan credit union movement informed throughout the year with an events schedule that tackles our industry’s most relevant and paramount topics. Aside from the knowledge and best practices shared by experts, each of MCUL’s education events offers a great networking platform, where credit union professionals can connect and share insights and takeaways with one another.

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Credit Union Compliance Training with League InfoSight Offered as Masterclass™ this Fall

MCUL and League InfoSight are collaborating to deliver a week-long compliance program in the Fall of 2024 that brings together industry experts including Michael Christians, Chuck Holzman, Ty Parker, Amy Wargo, League InfoSight staff and other attorneys from Holzman Law, PLLC to address a sweeping collection of topics, including Michigan specific issues on deposit accounts, real estate law and consumer lending.

Taking place from Oct. 7-11 at The Henry Center in Lansing, participants may choose to attend the full week for just $1,199 per person or select just a day or two of training on certain topics for only $349 per day.

Accommodations are available at the Candlewood Suites which is attached to The Henry Center. Find more information and register here.


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