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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

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ELGA Credit Union Receives MCUF Grant to Build Ever Green

Giving today’s youth the tools they need to be financially successful is something most credit unions take to heart. Teaching proficiency in financial education not only helps students apply their knowledge to real-life situations but also helps them become better consumers. With the help of the Michigan Credit Union Foundation (MCUF), ELGA Credit Union is working with Reseda Group LLC, a Michigan-based CUSO, to implement its financial education product Ever Green.

ELGA is the most recent credit union to receive an MCUF Community Enrichment Support Grant. ELGA’s Foundation for Impact is expanding their community outreach with a newly developed curriculum that includes branded financial education workbooks for students, as well as the use of tablets to assess the principles taught. This is being done through the use of the Ever Green product, which includes education materials like workbooks for students and teachers, but also includes videos, blogs and podcasts.

“These resources will enable members and the community to gain knowledge and increase interest in the financial literacy classes and programs offered by the ELGA Foundation,” said Cheryl Sclater, public relations manager and president of the ELGA Credit Union Foundation for Impact.

Ever Green solutions include the use of classroom workbooks, as well as a financial wellness center and content API. The Ever Green workbooks are for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 and are aligned with K-12 Michigan state standards. To learn more about Ever Green, visit resedagroup.com/evergreen.

What could your credit union do with a little help? MCUF Community Enrichment Support is available to help boost credit union initiatives aimed at improving financial wellbeing for people, families, businesses and communities in Michigan. MCUF works with cooperative donations to support credit union community enrichment, financial education and credit union development initiatives.

Learn more, donate or apply for programming or support at MCUF.MCUL.org.

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