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  • April 25, 2025
    Spring Leadership Development Conference

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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

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MCUF Scholarships Send 30 Young Professionals to AC&E


This year, the Michigan Credit Union Foundation awarded scholarships to 30 young professionals (YPs) under (or around) the age of 40 to attend this year’s MCUL Annual Convention and Exposition.

The scholarships are an effort to increase engagement and broaden the experience of the industry’s future leaders. It’s also a unique opportunity for YPs that may not typically have the opportunity to attend the state’s annual event to participate.

The following are this year’s YP scholars:

Not only will the YPs be attending AC&E events and sessions, but they also have their own events, designed specifically for their continued career growth, including mentor lunches, a CEO roundtable and a lunch-and-learn featuring MCUL CEO Patty Corkery and Board Chair Dean Trudeau.

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