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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

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MCUL Announces New MCUF Executive Director

Andrea TuckerThe Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) has announced the appointment of Andrea Tucker as Executive Director of the Michigan Credit Union Foundation (MCUF) effective Jan. 7.

Tucker joined MCUL in December 2021 to assist MCUF and the League’s educational team. Prior to joining MCUL, she led financial education activities at Marshall Community Credit Union.

Tucker will succeed Beth Troost, who has been with the League since 2008, coordinating financial education and community reinvestment initiatives. Troost has led MCUF as the Executive Director since 2011.

“With my many years leading MCUF, helping it grow and sharpen its focus over the years, this is a bittersweet transition for me,” said Troost. “At the same time, it is with great pleasure and anticipation to welcome Andrea as the new Executive Director. I am confident in saying that Andrea is an asset to MCUF, the League and the Michigan credit union community. MCUF is on track to continue to grow in significance to Michigan credit unions and in positive impact on the financial wellbeing of Michiganders.”

While Tucker will take on the Executive Director role, members will continue to see and hear from Troost, who will take on a part-time role and continue to be involved with MCUF in a supporting role until she retires in September.

“The impact and awareness of MCUF have grown over the last several years, and the future looks good under Andrea’s leadership with the guidance of our MCUF Board of Directors and with the support of MCUL,” said MCUL CEO Patty Corkery. “When we hired Andrea in December 2021 to help with Beth’s transition into retirement, we were hopeful that she might be the right person to eventually lead MCUF. As we worked with Andrea and saw her skills in effective collaboration and her focus on improving everything she works on, we feel strongly that she is the right choice for the position.”

“The MCUF board is excited about our future with Andrea leading our initiatives. Andrea is energetic, passionate and driven,” said MCUF Board President Kyle Gurzynski. “She will take the organization to new heights living out our mission. She has been mentored by the best, and it’s time to watch Andrea thrive!”

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