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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

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Michigan Credit Union Foundation Board - Calls for Nominations

The Michigan Credit Union Foundation is seeking passionate, committed, and thoughtful candidates to join its Board of Directors. This is an opportunity to help lead Michigan credit union’s philanthropic arm and guide MCUF in its mission of empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being in Michigan.

MCUF Board of Director positions were expanded last year, from seven to eleven members, to provide additional leadership representation from all credit unions in Michigan, geographically and across asset sizes. In addition, a new young professional board seat was added.

MCUF initiatives help Michigan families, businesses and communities across the state feel the credit union difference. See the 2023 MCUF Impact Report to explore MCUF initiatives including community enrichment grants, financial education and counseling programs, and credit union young professional support.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to self-nominate themselves for a MCUF board position. The deadline for Board Nominations is May 16, 2024, and board elections will take place on June 25, 2024.

MCUF Board Structure:
The MCUF Board of Directors includes one Director from each of the seven Michigan Credit Union League Districts, and three at-large Directors. Two of the at-large seats are based on the median asset size of Michigan credit unions, and the third at-large seat is specified for a young credit union professional under the age of 40. The MCUF board also includes a seat for the Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates President and Chief Executive Officer or her designee; this position is currently held by Kieran Marion, MCUL Executive Vice President of Advocacy and Communications.

Open MCUF Board of Directors seats this year are:

Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Board:
Board members’ primary duties are to provide leadership and governance for MCUF, contribute expertise and resources, actively participate in meetings and activities, and to represent and promote MCUF with Michigan credit unions.

To qualify for election as a MCUF Board Director a person shall be: (1) a member of, and (2), a director, credit committee, or supervisory committee member, manager/chief executive officer, or senior management employee who reports directly to or is recommended by the manager/chief executive officer of the credit union that is a League member in good standing.

Ideal board candidates include individuals who:

More Information:
Please visit the MCUF website for information about the Foundation’s mission and activities. For a list of current MCUF Board Directors click here. More information about MCUF board member duties and activities is found here.

MCUF Executive Director Andrea Tucker at Andrea.Tucker@mcul.org for more information about the foundation or about board member activities.

To Submit Your Self-Nomination:
Eligible individuals may nominate themselves by completing and returning this Self-Nomination Form by email to Andrea.Tucker@mcul.org no later than June 8, 2023.

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