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Michigan Credit Union Foundation

Cooperatively empowering credit unions to increase financial well-being by supporting community enrichment, financial education, and credit union development initiatives.

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Michigan Credit Unions Rank Among Top States in Youth & Adult Financial Education

The Credit Union Financial Education Network (CUFEN) has released its 2024 Annual Report, which tracks both student and adult financial education presentation numbers from across the country through the dates July 2023 to June 2024.

Michigan credit unions ranked second in total students reached, with 48,382 via 2,706 presentations, and third in adults reached, with 18,953 via 573 presentations.

In 2024, Michigan credit unions reached a total of 67,335 residents through financial literacy efforts.

Nationally, the credit union movement reached 365,938 students and 295,362 adults via financial education presentations.

“Here in Michigan, our credit unions are dedicated to providing financial education and guiding their members toward good financial habits,” said Andrea Tucker, executive director of the Michigan Credit Union Foundation. “I’m proud of our credit unions for taking on the challenge, and the efforts that they are making to share their knowledge and skills with both youth and adults in the communities they serve.”

“The financial education and support that credit unions do every day in their community for youth through and including older members, is a huge differentiator for credit unions when compared to other options,” said Patty Corkery, CEO of the Michigan Credit Union League. “Such efforts and results allow us, as advocates, to talk to lawmakers about how credit unions support their members.”

CUFEN’s report listed the leading credit unions for each category according to asset size. Listed Michigan credit unions include Limestone Federal Credit Union, LOC Credit Union, TRUE Community Credit Union, TLC Community Credit Union, Extra Credit Union and MSU Federal Credit Union.

Find the CUFEN 2024 Annual Report here.

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