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Credit Unions, Coffee & Conversations

Embark on a captivating journey with CEO Patty Corkery as she hosts MCUL's podcast, Credit Unions, Coffee and Conversation, engaging in dynamic conversations with Michigan credit union leaders. Explore their career journeys, glean insights on leadership, and stay updated on the latest industry news. Tune in here or on your favorite streaming platform.

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MCUL CEO Patty Corkery and Cornerstone League CEO Caroline Willard Get Candid

Last week, Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) President/CEO Patty Corkery invited Cornerstone League President/CEO Caroline Willard to join her with a new spin on the MCUL podcast, Credit Unions, Coffee and Conversation.

The result was “Girlfriends, Coffee and Conversation,” and the format gives Corkery a chance to “[shine] a light on not only some very impactful women in the industry but those that have become [her] friends.”

These special episodes are designed for more casual chats that give some insight into the personal lives of the guests. The inaugural episode with Willard does just that.

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Corkery and Willard get candid about how they’ve worked throughout their life to develop confidence.

“For decades, I had pretty severe impostor syndrome,” Willard admits, calling back to the feeling of not being sure she was in the right place. Willard had to work hard to overcome that feeling, and she details to Corkery the ways she’s worked to become the confident and comfortable woman she is now.

The two also discuss how the challenges faced by their respective mothers shaped their own outlook on life. Similarly, Willard shares stories about the people in her life, such as teachers and mentors, who were able to recognize her unique skills and how that recognition helped shape her life.

Now, Corkery and Willard look to travel to continue to broaden their perspectives.

“I feel really strongly that travel is a big piece of my education,” says Willard, who said that her travel experiences have helped to break down barriers and build compassion for others around her. Corkery also highlighted some of her travels, reflecting on her time in Kenya with her daughter.

Willard has been CEO of Cornerstone League since 2017. Prior to joining Cornerstone, she worked for CO-OP Financial Services as EVP of markets and strategy. During her tenure, she also handled mergers and acquisitions, relationship management, marketing, product development and strategic planning. Corkery leads MCUL and beginning July 1, will lead the Michigan CUSO, CUSG.

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