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Board Member of the Year Award


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Award Overview

The purpose of this award is to honor a Board Member whose dedicated service has had a significant impact on their credit union and/or the credit union movement as a whole. The Credit Union Board Member of the Year is presented to board members who have demonstrated outstanding service through the giving of their time, talents and resources as a board member to further the goals and objectives of the credit union movement.


Application Components


Possible Points

Nomination Letter

  • A nomination letter must describe in brief detail how the award criteria were met through:
    • Years of service as a board member
    • Service, leadership and contribution to the industry
    • Special Projects
    • Advocacy efforts
    • Event/conference attendance

1 page max


Letters of recommendation

  • Provide letters of support that address the author’s first-hand knowledge of the nominee in relation to all of the award criteria listed above

2-5 letters max





Submit Online


Please submit all documents and support material online through the form above. All sections should be submitted in one document with sections clearly defined.

The MCUL Awards Committee, on the basis of the nominations and supporting information received, proposes the winner to the MCUL Board of Directors to be ratified.

Any nomination submitted may be featured in various MCUL and MCUF materials to demonstrate how credit unions and their leaders benefit their communities. Submission of a nomination indicates approval for the MCUL and MCUF to use the nomination materials in its publications and advocacy efforts.

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