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From Patty's Desk

A biweekly blog that gives readers a peek inside thoughts, priorities and industry-based reflections from MCUL CEO Patty Corkery.

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New Year, New Look


Welcome to 2024! I hope everyone is refreshed from the holiday season and ready to hit the ground running. To usher in this new year, the Michigan Credit Union League is unveiling a fresh face for our website, MCUL.org!

This has been a long time coming, and we’re very excited to debut a website that not only has an up-to-date look, but also a new layout that will make it easier for members to find what they’re looking for.

A big part of the redesign process was trying to understand how members use the page most so that we could tailor this new look appropriately. We believe the updated navigation will make your MCUL.org experience a more efficient one, going forward.

But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find all the same resources and updates that you previously could on MCUL.org — now, it will just be more straightforward.

As our site is new, we welcome feedback on your experience. Let us know how you like it or if you have suggestions for improvements. Thanks to our amazing IT team - led by Timmy Bohlman - and our communications team led by Rick Weaver, for this big undertaking!

For any feedback, as well as questions or concerns you may have about the new website, contact us at communications@mcul.org.

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