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Extra Credit Union Donation Helps Unhoused Students Amid Extreme Weather

ecuNearly 1,200 local students have been identified as unhoused by the Macomb Intermediate School District and its school partners so far this school year. For many of these students, school is a place of stability and safety, where they can count on shelter and meals each day.

Data for the school year is tracked beginning July 1 through June 30. That number is 7% above the same time period last school year. And given the trend, that number is expected to exceed 1,700 by the end of the school year, said Sara Orris, student health education and homeless consultant with the district.

“We have seen a significant increase in requests for basic needs items such as food and hygiene items,” said Orris. “And over the last couple of years, we are seeing families struggling with houselessness for longer periods of time due to the lack of affordable housing in our community, which is a trend both statewide and nationally, as well.”

Orris noted that inflation and increased prices of everyday goods has played a part in the current situation.

“Many of our families, both parents and students, are working, but they are struggling to make ends meet even for basic needs, let alone housing,” she said.

For the past several years, the project, in partnership with local districts, has provided cold-weather and personal-care items, food, community resources, and even backpacks with school supplies, to students and their families registered as being homeless within Macomb County.

Thankfully, donations like the $1,967 and nearly 537 personal care items recently donated by Extra Credit Union help the organization in their continued mission.

“The appreciation of support from Extra Credit Union cannot be overstated,” Orris said. “The donations help students experiencing homelessness the opportunity to attend school feeling prepared to learn without worry about basic needs or school supplies. We appreciate the continued support. The staff and members of Extra Credit Union are amazing!”

Extra Credit Union has donated nearly $17,000 and more than 6,000 personal care and cold-weather items over the past 15 years of hosting its Mittens for Kids drive to benefit the project. The drive is successful each year thanks to the charitable donations from the local financial institution’s staff and members.

“Each year I am just blown away by the generosity of our compassionate staff and membership,” said Extra Credit Union VP of Marketing Ruthann Varosi. “They truly care about the community and those within it and they show it time and time again. Our hearts go out to these students and their families who are trying to get through such a difficult time in their lives. We hope the resources they receive not only help them get through this time, but also give them a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.”

Orris said the funds from Extra Credit Union’s donation will be used to purchase hats, gloves, socks, and hygiene items. And tangible items will be sent immediately to homeless students in need.

Anyone interested in learning more about the project or supporting its efforts can visit misd.net/Homeless/.

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