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MCUL Launches New Look for Website

To bring in 2024, the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) has unveiled a fresh face for its website, MCUL.org. The redesign includes a new layout with an updated navigation system, built to enhance the user experience.

“We’re very excited to debut a website that not only has an up-to-date look, but also a new layout that will make it easier for members to find what they’re looking for,” said MCUL President/CEO Patty Corkery. “A big part of the redesign process was trying to understand how members use the page most so that we could tailor this new look appropriately. We believe the updated navigation will make your MCUL.org experience a more efficient one, going forward.”

MCUL worked with partner organization CUSG to bring the new website to fruition. CUSG’s Martech Solutions team has a website design product built on a mobile-first approach that ensures high functionality and accessibility.

Members will be able to find the same resources and updates they previously could on MCUL.org.

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